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The only Book List you will ever need to prepare for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2018 Relevant Common Sources: Newspaper: Choose from either The Hindu or Indian Express Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazines 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) ARC Reports on Disaster Management & Ethics & Integrity Economic Survey India Year Book Summary YouTube Videos/Channels: India’s World, Big Picture, Macros by Mythili, Michael Sandel, Pradhan Mantri & Others, Documentaries on World History Topics   Paper 1 Indian History: India’s Struggle for Independence: Bipan Chandra India after Gandhi: Ramchandra Guha Old NCERT: Ancient India Medieval NCERT NCERT Class XII – Politics in India since Independence PradhanMantri series on YouTube   World History:  NCERT Class IX, X, XII (all old ones) of World History, NCERT Class XII – Contemporary World Politics Arjun Dev’s Book on World History/ World History by Norman Lowe   Culture: Nitin Singhania’s Notes/Spectrum Art & Culture NCERT Book on Art   Geography:   NCERT Class XI, XII (2+2)                 Society: NCERT Class XI, XII of Sociology/IGNOU BA Material Yojana                                 Paper 2 Indian Polity: Class X NCERT (Democratic politics) Indian Polity by Laxmikanth RSTV Programme (The Big Picture) Current Affairs, Newspapers                                 Social Justice & Governance: Yojana, Current Affairs   International Relations:  Newspapers; IDSA Website; The Economist; CFR Backgrounders   Paper 3 Indian Economy: Economic Survey, XI & XII NCERT Macroeconomics 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) Newspaper   Agriculture:        12th FYP Land Reforms from India Since Independence by Bipan Chandra   Science & Tech: From Newspapers; List of Emerging Technologies from Wikipedia   Internal Security: Ashok Kumar’s book on Internal Security Border Management Monograph (IDSA); IDSA Website   Disaster Management:  ARC 2 Report on Disaster Management   Paper 4: Lexicon of Ethics Ethics Case Studies from any book on Ethics Michael Sandel Videos on YouTube   Essay: Pulkit Khare’s  Essay Book for Framework Collect Anecdotes, Quotes, Words and other material from newspapers and use them in your essay.  

The only Book List you will ever need to prepare for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2018

Relevant Common Sources:

Newspaper: Choose from either The Hindu or Indian Express

Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazines

12th Five Year Plan (FYP)

ARC Reports on Disaster Management & Ethics & Integrity

Economic Survey

India Year Book Summary

YouTube Videos/Channels: India’s World, Big Picture, Macros by Mythili, Michael Sandel, Pradhan Mantri & Others, Documentaries on World History Topics


Paper 1

Indian History:

India’s Struggle for Independence: Bipan Chandra

India after Gandhi: Ramchandra Guha

Old NCERT: Ancient India

Medieval NCERT

NCERT Class XII – Politics in India since Independence

PradhanMantri series on YouTube


World History: 

NCERT Class IX, X, XII (all old ones) of World History,

NCERT Class XII – Contemporary World Politics

Arjun Dev’s Book on World History/ World History by Norman Lowe



Nitin Singhania’s Notes/Spectrum Art & Culture

NCERT Book on Art



NCERT Class XI, XII (2+2)   



NCERT Class XI, XII of Sociology/IGNOU BA Material



Paper 2

Indian Polity:

Class X NCERT (Democratic politics)

Indian Polity by Laxmikanth

RSTV Programme (The Big Picture)

Current Affairs, Newspapers


Social Justice & Governance:

Yojana, Current Affairs


International Relations: 

Newspapers; IDSA Website; The Economist; CFR Backgrounders


Paper 3

Indian Economy:

Economic Survey, XI & XII NCERT Macroeconomics

12th Five Year Plan (FYP)




12th FYP

Land Reforms from India Since Independence by Bipan Chandra


Science & Tech:

From Newspapers; List of Emerging Technologies from Wikipedia


Internal Security:

Ashok Kumar’s book on Internal Security

Border Management Monograph (IDSA); IDSA Website


Disaster Management: 

ARC 2 Report on Disaster Management


Paper 4:

Lexicon of Ethics

Ethics Case Studies from any book on Ethics

Michael Sandel Videos on YouTube



Pulkit Khare’s  Essay Book for Framework

Collect Anecdotes, Quotes, Words and other material from newspapers and use them in your essay.



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